10 Common Misconceptions About Water Filtration Systems

Water is an essential need for humans, animals, and even microorganisms. While we need water to survive, we also need […]

Water is an essential need for humans, animals, and even microorganisms. While we need water to survive, we also need it for a variety of other reasons such as washing clothes and cars etc. However, over time, the water quality has gone down. This raises concerns about health and safety especially when it comes to kids. To avoid that, people tend to install a water filtration system but not without giving it a second thought. This is due to misconceptions surrounding water filters. We will debunk the most common myths surrounding water filters so that you can go ahead and install one in your home.

Boiled Water Is Healthier Than Filtered Water

The most common misconception surrounding water filters is that boiled water tends to be healthier. This is a common misconception and people have lately begun arguing about it. Even today, some health experts recommend people boil water if they suspect contaminants or toxicants.

It is often believed that boiling water to extreme temperatures is going to kill the microorganisms. While that is true to some extent, just boiling water won’t make it free of all the impurities. Boiling water does not guarantee that it will free the water of salts, heavy metals, and other similar contaminants.

Boiling the water eradicates microbiological hazards but leaves most other contaminants intact. So, while boiling may have its benefits and it’s a helpful method of removing harmful microbes from the water when no other filter or method can be used, do not think that it will completely purify the water. This is why filtering the water is a lot better as it offers the best of both worlds.

The filters inside a filtration system are specifically designed to trap contaminants that are otherwise consumed. This is why these systems can be a bit expensive but are sort of an investment towards your health.

Refrigerator Filters Are Enough To Produce Clean Water

Modern refrigerators come with filters that are supposed to provide users with instant and safe water. While the units tend to keep the food items freshly stored, the instant cold water does wonders for the people as they get a two-for-one bargain.

There is no doubt that refrigerator filters improve both the quality and taste of the water but if you are thinking they will remove the toxicants as well, you are mistaken. Refrigerator filters do not remove arsenic, pesticides, and other contaminants.

Some refrigerators come with multiple filtration stages to trap and remove contaminants of different natures. However, others come with a single activated carbon filter that attracts and absorbs several contaminants. But these filters when compared to the other complex systems like reverse osmosis filters are far less effective.

Tap Water Doesn’t Require Additional Filtration

You might think that the water coming into your tap is already filtered and has gone through treatment to be termed safe for consumption. This is just not true at all. The tap water is simply clean or pure enough to avoid skin and other health complications.

You might not have a problem if you drink it once or twice but if you make it a habit, you are going to be in trouble. While traveling through the pipes, the water can pick up a lot more contaminants before it reaches your glass. Water traveling underground can become contaminated due to a variety of reasons.

For instance, there could be a chemical industry nearby that spills its waste in the nearby water source or simply dumps it into the ground. With time, the soil becomes polluted and affects the water as well. That said, lead is one of the most dangerous contaminants found in water.

Not only does it create digestion problems but also affects hair and skin. So, you should install a filter in your house that helps prevent such complications.

Bottled Water Is Purer Than Filtered Tap Water

Every year, prominent bottled water brands come out with new products and market them as if they are the purest and safest options to drink. But several experts have conducted numerous studies on them and have found that it is half the truth.

Studies have shown that bottled water contains more or less the same contaminants as tap water does. While the relevant authorities try to come up with extremely strict safety and quality standards, but somehow, these companies tend to get away with them.

The fact is that making sure bottled water is completely safe requires a lot of tests. Unfortunately, no one is willing to spend that much money, which allows the brands to market their products just the way they want.

So, if you have to choose bottled water, choose brands and drinking water delivery services Erie who are licensed and follow the FDA and EPA guidelines.

Water That Smells Or Tastes Good Doesn’t Require Filtration

You might have heard people saying that if water tastes or smells good, it doesn’t require filtration. It is just a way of putting your loved ones in harm’s way. The fact of the matter is that different contaminants cause different tastes. While some may result in a certain type of smell, others may not do so at all.

But that does not mean the water itself is safe and does not require filtration. This is why you must have the water tested. More importantly, you should install a water filtration system in your house especially if you have kids.

Water Filtration Systems Consume Too Much Electricity

If you have decided to install a water filter but haven’t done it yet just because you think these systems consume a lot of electricity, you are highly mistaken. The idea that water filtration systems consume too much electricity is simply a myth.

Water filtration systems do require electricity to run but are minimal. Of course, this also depends on the type of water filtration system and how frequently it is used. A standard water filtration unit consumes 35 to 70 watts per hour. If you do the math, you will find out that water filtration systems cost nothing compared to other kitchen appliances.

This means you are hardly spending any money to ensure your health is protected and safe.

Water Filters Are Too Expensive

The initial costs associated with buying a water filtration system and installing it raise the misconception that they are a waste of money rather than a wise investment. What most people don’t realize is the lower healthcare costs offered by these systems in the long run.

Furthermore, most water filters do not need replacement frequently. Although, it depends on how frequently the system is used, but in most cases, the filters require annual replacement. So, if you think that spending on bottled water is going to be a lot cheaper, you need to think again.


Water filtration systems offer a lot more benefits than misconceptions out there. With rising health concerns, it is only important that you get a water filtration system installed as well. However, considering the number of types of water filters, you should consult an expert and invest your money in the right product. If you want the complete package, install a whole house water filtration Meadville system.

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